Cind programming language

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Methods of the system type objects

Here below are the methods accepted by the objects of a system type
and a list of allowed types to which they can be mapped.

Examples of the use of methods on the system objects:

"abc".subString(1,2) 2.binaryRep()

Examples of type conversion:

(string)7 (float)"1.23" (int)(byte)(char)'a'

For more about system types and for a lists of accepted operators see Data types.

For methods accepted by: arrays see Arrays, vector see Vector of values,
and for a sheet object see Sheet object.

Integer number - int

Integer object accepts methods:

method parameters description result
binaryRep () returns array of 8 bytes, that represents 64-bit integer array of bytes
fromBinaryRep (byteArr) returns 64-bit integer value from array of 8 bytes integer

Object of int type can be converted to system objects of type:

dest type conversion description
bool returns false when 0, otherwhise true
byte makes byte from the first (lowest) 8 bits of integer
char returns character of given value
float returns floating point value
string returns string with a numeric value in decimal system

Text value - string

String object accepts methods:

method parameters description result
byteLength () returns number of bytes in UTF-8 string representation integer
byteAt (pos) returns byte at given position in UTF-8 string representation;
position starts from 0 to byteLength-1
charLength () returns number of characters in string
(notice, that this is slow method, because
it must count characters from UTF-8 representation)
charAt (pos) returns character at given position;
position starts from 0 to charLength-1
length () returns length of the string;
this is the same as charLength method
subString (from,count) returns substring, that contains characters from string,
starting at given position, of given length
getUniq () returns a unique string object (in given runtime envitonment)
that is equal to given string
newString (...) returns new string object,
that contains data from parameters
newSheet (...) returns new sheet object,
that contains data from parameters

Object of string type can be converted to system objects of type:

dest type conversion description
byte[] returns array of bytes in UTF-8 representation
char[] returns array of characters
sheet returns new sheet object that contains string
byte returns first byte in UTF-8 representation
char returns first character of the string
bool converts "true" to true, "false" to false,
otherwhise it throws exception
int parsing an integer number from string
float parsing a floating point number from string

Boolean value - bool

Boolean object accepts no methods.

Object of bool type can be converted to system objects of type:

dest type conversion description
int returns 1 for true and 0 for false
string returns "true" for true and "false" for false
byte conversion through integer type
char conversion through integer type
float conversion through integer type

Character - char

Character object accepts no methods.

Object of char type can be converted to system objects of type:

dest type conversion description
int returns numeric value of character
byte returns byte, when numeric value is between 0 and 255;
otherwise throws exception
byte[] returns array of bytes of UTF-8 char representation
string returns string that contains single character
bool conversion through integer type
float conversion through integer type

Byte - byte

Byter object accepts no methods.

Object of byte type can be converted to system objects of type:

dest type conversion description
int returns integer of the same value
bool conversion through integer type
char conversion through integer type
float conversion through integer type
string conversion through integer type

Floating point number - float

Floating point number object accepts methods:

method parameters description result
binaryRep () returns array of 8 bytes, that represents 64-bit float array of bytes
fromBinaryRep (byteArr) returns 64-bit float value from array of 8 bytes float

Object of float type can be converted to system objects of type:

dest type conversion description
bool returns false when 0.0, otherwhise true
int rounds float number to the integer;
throws exception when value is out of range
string writes number in decimal system to the six places after dot;
last zeros in representation will cutted, except first zero
byte conversion through integer type
char conversion through integer type

Many mathematical functions on the float value are available from the math library, see Math linked library.

Cind programming language 1.0.4